UPS Battery Impedance Testing

Our nationwide team of engineers carry out UPS battery impedance testing services to ensure the optimal performance of UPS batteries

Did you know that the majority of UPS faults are due to UPS battery failure?

Battery impedance is a measure of batteries’ internal resistance and is measured by applying DC to each battery, via probes attached to the block terminals. Lower internal resistance typically indicates higher capacity, as such an increase in the internal resistance of your batteries over time could highlight declining battery capacity.

By conducting periodical battery impedance tests (every 6 or 12 months, for example), compile a timeline of your systems battery performance. Testing makes it much easier to forecast the expected end-of-life date of your batteries accurately. Once you understand the batteries’ condition, your business can calculate when proactive replacements are required.

Accurately allocating budget is then possible by predicting replacement ahead of time increasing, in turn, increasing reliability. Impedance testing does not affect live battery sets as the testing methods are non-intrusive and do not impact your business’s protection.

Batteries are an essential component of any electrical device, hence the need for routine battery testing and maintenance at the cell level. The most frequent causes of unplanned outages include; battery blocks reaching a premature end of life. Issues are caused by batteries beginning to fail, leading an imbalance in the battery string that adversely affects the other batteries. Single bad cells could compromise your entire back up power system leaving you without protection. It is critical to have your batteries tested annually to run a smooth and successful power protection system.

24/7 Technical Support

You can call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Our 24/7 support service is a simple, flexible solution to meet the needs of any size company. Giving you complete peace of mind that your business is continuously protected in and out of standard business hours. Unlike our competitors, we don’t outsource our support. By giving you access to our dedicated UPS (uninterruptible power supply) specialists, no matter when you call your enquiry will be dealt with immediately by an experienced member of staff.

Multi-vendor Support

We want the right vendor for you. Unbiased multi-vendor support allows us to provide you with greater capability to provide the right solution for your needs. Doing this also avoids potential single vendor lock-in, which can potentially work more for the vendor than you as the customer as well as us as your service provider.

Flexible Payment Plans

Making premium support obtainable without creating financial concerns. Flexible payment plans are a hassle-free way to spread maintenance costs over monthly instalments, completely interest-free. Furthermore, to reward loyal customers, we offer an extensive discount on 36-60 month deals, which are impossible to turn down.